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Day 6 Week 3 of 3 In The Open Cycle

0:00-15:00 General Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD

20:00-50:00 WOD

50:00-60:00 Cool-down


2 Rounds

10 Single KB Suitcase Deadlift (5 each arm)

100m Jog

10 Russian Swings

10/8 Calorie Bike

4 Turkish Get-ups (2 each arm)


Partner For Time:

3 Rounds

20 Deadlift

600m Run

3 Rounds

30 Calorie Bike

60 Russian KB Swings

—Cash-out For Quality—

40 Turkish Get-up

*Pace Goal: 22:00-25:00 (not including TGU)

Deadlift: recommend 5s back and forth

Run: recommend 200/200/100/100

Bike: recommend 15/15 or 10/10/5/5

Swings: recommend 20/20/10/10

Beginner: 185/125, 26/18

Scaled: 225/155, 35/26

Rx: 275/185, 53/35