0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD
20:00-52:00 WOD
52:00-60:00 Cool-down
3 Rounds
10/8 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski
8 Wall Balls
6 Pull-ups/Scap Pull-ups/Ring Rows
4 Burpees
Partner 5 Rounds For Time:
18 Calorie Row/Ski/Bike
18 Wall Balls @20/14
16 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
16 Burpees
100’ Single DB Overhead Walking Lunges @50/35
*split reps as needed
*start people on different machines, try to rotate through all machines, first come/first serve for rest of workout
*50’ or 25’ zones for lunges, whatever works best for space and number of people in the workout
*Pace: Aggressive: 25:00, Solid: 28:00, Limit: 32:00
*wouuld recommend splitting calories right down the middle, pull-ups could be split down the middle or 4s back and forth, same with burpees
*combination of Open workouts 19.1 and 16.1…fun to make past Open workouts partner style, more enjoyable for everyone :)
*Lunges: solid overhead position with arm next to ear, whole foot in contact with ground, drive off that front heel and focus on standing straight up, not forward
Scaled: 14 calories and wall balls @10/8, 12 KB upright rows @26/18, 12 Burpees, no weight on lunges
Intermediate: 14/10, chin over bar/banded/jumping pull-ups, 35/20