0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Gymnastics
20:00-38:00 Gymnastics
38:00-47:00 Transition to WOD
47:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Standing Tricep Stretch
Straight Arm Bicep/Shoulder Stretch on Rig
Up Dog to Down Dog
Specific Warm-up
3 Rounds
5 Single DB Curl to Press each side
30sec Front Plank
Alt. EMOM 9
20sec Handstand Hold on Wall
20sec Prone Ts (VIDEO)
40sec Side Plank (20sec each side)
—1 minute transition—
Alt. EMOM 8
25ft Handstand Walk (or 40sec)
8 Double DB Reverse Flys
The Alt. EMOM 9 is to prime those who can walk on their hands and also helping those who have not yet got upside to work on that along with building strength for the skill
The Prone Ts are for shoulder warm-up and injury prevention
Side planks for core strength
The Alt. EMOM 8 works on the handstand walk (or wall walks) in smaller distances (or reps) to build towards improvement for the post-test
The Reverse Flys balance out the overhead stress for shoulder health
2-3 Wall Walks each minute in the Alt. EMOM 8, walk as far up the wall as you can each rep
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
6 Single DB Hang Clean & Jerks
10 Double or Single Unders
16 Single DB Hang Clean & Jerks @50/35
24 Double Unders
PACE GOAL: 5-6 Rounds
Cycling the DB, good time to try and go a little heavier than normal
Switch hands when needed, no more than two sets to complete the 16. Alternate 4 reps back and forth for all or until you get to 8, quick break, then back at it
Unbroken on double unders
BEGINNER: 25/15, Line Hops
SCALED: 35/20, Single Unders
GO BEYOND Accessory Work
Band Pull Aparts 3x12
Russian Twists 3x30 (15 each way)