0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD
20:00-52:00 WOD
52:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Iron Crosses
Samson Stretch
Lat Stretch on Rig
Banded Curls
Banded Tricep Extensions
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
10 Double Unders/Plate Hops/Single Unders
4 Burpee Pull-ups
2 Clean & Jerks
Partner 16 Rounds For Time
30 Double Unders
10 Burpee Pull-ups
5 Clean & Jerks @155/105
*alternate movements with partner
SCORE: Time of completion
PACE GOAL: 28:00-32:00 (1:45-2:00 per round average)
Steady Eddy or Betty Delayed Burn
With the alternating movement format, rounds will alternate back and forth of how they feel, the rounds you do double unders and clean and jerks will be more of that delayed burn feel, the rounds of just burpee pull-ups will have that steady state feel
Try to stay unbroken on double unders
Steady pace on the burpee pull-ups
Steady singles on Clean & Jerks
10 Rounds For Time
25 Double Unders
6 Burpee Pull-ups
4 Clean and Jerks @155/105
this time frame will be shorter, around 20:00
BEGINNER: Line Hops, Up Downs, 75/55
SCALED: 30 Plate hops @45# rubber plate or 40 Single Unders, 135/95, the weight should be around 60-70% of your Clean & Jerk 1rm
Rx+: 165/115
JACKEDuary Day 6
100 Partner MB Sit-ups
*touch MB above head, sit up and pass or hand to partner