0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Cardio + Core
20:00-35:00 Cardio +Core
35:00-45:00 Transition to WOD
45:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Mountain Climbers
Up Dog to Down Dog
Lying Quad Stretch
Lying Hamstring Stretch
Specific Warm-up
1 Round
10/7 Calorie Bike
10 MB Wall Sit Rotations
20yd Heavy Object Bear Hug Carry
10 Hollow Rocks
Cardio + Core
Alt Every 2:30 minutes for 15 minutes
1 minute Bike + 20 sec Transition + 40 sec MB Wall Sit Rotations (VIDEO)
1 minute Heavy object Bear Hug Carry + 20sec Transition + 40sec Max Hollow Rocks
SCORE: Max Reps: MB Wall Sit Rotations + Hollow Rocks
Increased heart rate and leg fatigue on the bike, then static leg strength and core rotational strength under fatigue
Increased heart rate and grip fatigue on the carry, then static grip strength with core linear strength under fatigue
We will stick with the RPE of 7 on the bike, the 30 sec will not be much rest so the feel will be continuous
You can start people on different stations and rotate through, you will do each station three times
The remaining 30 sec in the interval allows for quick transition time
I would use the interval function on the clock and set it for 6 intervals of 2:00 work and 30 sec rest, counting up
Can scale to hugging the knee for hollow rocks (20sec each) if needed
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
2/1 Strict Pull-up
3 Power Cleans
5/3 Strict Pull-ups
5 Power Cleans @165/115
SCORE: Rounds + Reps
PACE GOAL: 9-11 Rounds
Delayed Strength Fatigue
This will be a Strength WOD…your heart rate will increase, but the limiting factor will be muscle fatigue
As the weeks have progressed we did 4 Chest to Bar, then moved to 8 Chin Over Bar, then to 10 Chin Over Bar, then back down to 6 Chest to Bar, now we go back down to level up again with the 5/3 Strict Pull-ups
Strict pull-ups will start to go much the way push-ups do in a WOD, break early if needed to stay consistent longer
Steady singles with a moderate to heavy weight
BEGINNER: KB Upright Rows, 95/65
SCALED: Chest to Bar, Chin over bar, banded pull-ups or heavy KB upright rows, 135/95
Rx+: Bar MU, 185/125
JACKEDuary Day 2
Single DB Tricep Kickbacks 4x6 each arm
Single DB Pullovers 4x8 (VIDEO)