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Day 2 Week 1 of 6 Front Squat/Snatch/Pull-ups/HSPU

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD

20:00-43:00 WOD

43:00-55:00 GO BEYOND Accessory Work (optional)

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 Rounds

Iron Crosses

Glute Bridges

Up Dog to Down Dog

WOD Prep

2 Rounds

10/8 Calories Row/Ski/Bike

8 Russian KB Swings

6 Box Jump Overs

4 Toes to Bar



400m Heavy Object Carry (sandbag, KBs/DBs…etc)

AMRAP with remaining time

20 Russian KB Swings @53/35

15 Box Jump Overs @24/20”

10 Toes to Bar

—3 minutes rest—


800m Run Buy-in

AMRAP with remaining time

20 Russian KB Swings @53/35

15 Box Jump Overs @24/20”

10 Toes to Bar

PACE GOAL: 4:30 or less for the carry and run, 8-10 total rounds


  • Carry should be really tough to get 200m at a time

  • Pick up where you left off on the AMRAP

  • No more than two sets on the swings, quick hips, relax your arms

  • Steady pace on the box jump overs

  • No more than two sets on T2B

BEGINNER: 15/2/9 reps, 26/18, Plate hops, Lying Straight Leg Raises

SCALED: 35/26, Hanging Straight Leg Raises

GO BEYOND Accessory Work

Accumulate a 5-minute bar hang on rig

*50 Russian Twists (25 each way) each time you have to drop, all reps done after the hold is complete