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Day 1 Week 5 of 6 Front Squat/Snatch/Pull-ups/HSPU

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD

20:00-36:00 WOD

36:00-45:00 Transition to Accessory Work

45:00-55:00 GO BEYOND Accessory Work

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 Rounds


Up Dog

Standing Straight leg marches

WOD Prep

2-3 Rounds

10/8 Calorie Bike

10 Russian KB Swings (build to WOD weight)

10 AbMat Sit-ups


4 Rounds For Time

30/24 Calorie Bike

30 Russian KB Swings @53/35

30 AbMat Sit-ups

PACE GOAL: 15:00-18:00

PARTNER OPTION: AMRAP 16, split reps as needed


  • Lower body and core endurance. Breathe, move, stay consistent


  • Steady pace on the bike, push hard and breathe

  • No more than two sets on the swings

  • Keep moving on the sit-ups


  • If you only have enough bikes to split the class in half then change the format to 4 Rounds: 2 minute max calorie bike, 2 minute AMRAP: 10 swings + 10 sit-ups

  • If you still do not have enough bikes for this format, then add row and/or ski as an option

BEGINNER: 20/15 Calorie Bike, 26/18, 20 swings, 20 sit-ups

SCALED: 25/20 Calorie Bike, 35/26

GO BEYOND Accessory Work

Alt. EMOM 10

8 KB/DB Goblet Lateral Lunges (4 each side)

8 KB/DB Side Bends (4 each side)


  • Groin and glute strength, balance and mobility

  • Lateral core strength