0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD
20:00-52:00 WOD
52:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Up to Down Dog
Child’s Pose
Standing Lateral Lunge (Groin Stretch)
Infant Squats (VIDEO)
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
8/6 Calorie Bike
4 Toes to Bar
2 Squat Cleans
“WOD You Be My Valentine”
Partner 18 Total Rounds For Time
10/6 Calorie Bike
8 Toes to Bar
4 Squat Cleans @135/95
*alternate full rounds with partner
SCORE: Time of completion
PACE GOAL: 27:00-31:30 (1:30-1:45 per round average)
If you do an event for this where spouses, friends or significant others will be attending and you need a dialed down version, the Strength & Endurance Track is great for this
Delayed Burn
The work to rest ratio should be pretty close to even, this allows just enough rest to keep pushing hard
Rounds 1-3 should feel pretty good, 4-6 will start to get challenging as muscle fatigue and higher heart rate set in, 7-9 will become more mentally challenging to keep your pace the same
Just under max effort on the bike
Go for big sets on T2B, we have built up to rep ranges higher than this so try to stay unbroken as long as you can
Try to string touch n’ go reps together if you can, go to singles when needed
Every 3 minutes for 27 minutes
10/6 Calorie Bike
8 Toes to Bar
4 Squat Cleans @135/95
BEGINNER: Lying Straight Leg Raises, MB Slams, Or Plate Ground to Overhead, MB or Plate Goblet Squats
SCALED: Hanging Straight Leg Raises, MB Slams, Or Plate Ground to Overhead, 115/80
Rx+: 165/115
FIT February Day 6
5 minute Wall Sit
*10 Push-ups every time you break