0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-35:00 Strength
35:00-46:00 Transition to MetCon
46:00-55:00 MetCon
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
1) Warm-up:
2 Rounds
20sec Pec Stretch
20sec Bicep Stretch
20 Shoulder Taps
3 Rounds
10 RDLs
10 Upright Rows
10 Strict Press
*empty barbell
2) Strength:
15 minute time block:
10 Barbell Curls
10 Barbell Pullovers
10 Dips
9 Barbell Curls
9 Barbell Pullovers
9 Dips
*choose a weight that is challenging for each movement and rep number
*choose hardest version of a dip: strict, kipping, banded, bench
3) MetCon:
For Time:
30 Deadlifts
*20 Lateral Bar Burpees every time you break
*Pace: Aggressive: 6:00, Solid: 7:30 Limit: 9:00
*completing the deadlifts in 3 sets should be EXTREMELY challenging
Level 1: 135/95, 15 Up Downs
Level 2: 185/125, Step over bar after burpee
Level 3: 225/155