0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to MetCon
20:00-47:00 Metcon
47:00-60:00 Cool-down
1) Warm-up:
2 Rounds
20sec Straight arm stretch on rig
20sec Lat Stretch on rig
20sec Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
3 Rounds
2 Wall Walks
10 Barbell Back Rack Lunges @empty barbell
10 Barbell Bent Over Rows @empty barbell
2) MetCon:
“Terrible Tens”
Partner Workout
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10 minutes:
10 Handstand Push-ups
10 Alt. Pistols
10 Pull-ups
*alternate movements with your partner
—5 minutes rest—
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10 minutes:
10 Thrusters
10 Burpees
10 Hang Power Cleans
*alternate movements with your partner
*Pace: Aggressive: 10 Rounds, Solid: 8 Rounds, Limit: 6 Rounds
*paces are for each AMRAP
*Push HARD during the 10 minutes, you get 5 minutes of recover in between
Beginner: Double DB Push Press @25/15, Double DB Lunges @25/15, Ring Rows, 65/45
Scaled: Double DB Push Press @35/20, Double DB Lunges @35/20, Jumping/banded Pull-ups, 75/55
Rx: 95/65