0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to MetCon
20:00-48:00 MetCon
48:00-60:00 Cool-down
1) Warm-up:
2 Rounds
20sec Up Dog
20sec Down Dog
20sec Child’s Pose
3 Rounds
10 Back Squats
10 Push Press
5 Pull-ups
*empty barbell
2) MetCon:
“Hateful Eight”
As Many Reps as Possible in 8 minutes:
Max Unbroken Thrusters
Same Rep Chest to Bar Pull-ups
—2 minutes rest—
As Many Reps as Possible in 8 minutes:
Max Unbroken Wall Balls
Same Rep Pull-ups
—2 minutes rest—
As Many Reps as Possible in 8 minutes:
Max Unbroken KB Taters
Same Rep Ring Rows
*Thruster weight should be something you can at least do 10 unbroken in the first couple sets, but 15 is very challenging, wall balls and KB taters should be 15-20 in the first couple sets
*do max set of thrusters, if you get 12 then you have 12 chest to bar pull-ups that do not have to be unbroken, back to max set of thrusters, if you get 10 then you have 10 chest to bar pull-ups that do not have to be unbroken…etc. for the 8 minutes. Same set-up for wall balls/pull-ups and tater/ring rows
*this is not a situation where you strategize…for example, making the plan that you are just going to do 10 thrusters and pull-ups every time. Push mentally to hit a big unbroken set each time.
*Pace: this is very hard to predict with this format and sometimes it can be good to just have them push for max sets and see what happens
Level 1: 75/55, Jumping/banded pull-ups, 10/8, Jumping/banded pull-ups, 26/18
Level 2: 95/65, chin over bar pull-ups, 14/10, chin over bar pull-ups, 35/26
Level 3: 115/75, 20/14, 53/35