0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-35:00 Strength
35:00-43:00 Transition to MetCon
43:00-55:00 Metcon
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
3 Rounds
20sec Hang From Rig
10 Supermans
10 Lying Leg Raises
3) Deadlift Accessory Work:
Alt. EMOM 15:
6 Barbell Good Mornings @light to moderate weight
5 Barbell Rollouts @same weight as good mornings
30sec Plate Holds
*ideally taking the barbell from the ground to do the good mornings so then you can set it down for the rollouts
*between this accessory work and the MetCon there is some focus today on lower back muscular endurance, this needs to be training like anything else. Really harp on using your glutes on the good mornings in this section and on the swings in the MetCon. You have to think of flexing your butt on every rep. A lot of people don’t utilize their glutes and that puts extra stress on their lower back
4) MetCon:
Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes:
15 Shoulder to Overhead
30 Single Arm KB Swings
Max Double Unders with remaining time
*Pace: Aggressive: 200 Double Unders, Solid: 180 Double Unders, Limit: 140 Double Unders
Level 1: 75/55, 26/18, Line Hops
Level 2: 95/65, 35/26, Single Unders
Level 3: 115/75, 53/35