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Cycle 2 Week 2 Day 4



2 rounds:

Straight Arm Stretch on the rig for shoulder/bicep x 20 seconds each side

Calf Stretch x 20 seconds each side

PVC Ankle x 10 each way (VIDEO)


2 Rounds

PVC Pass Throughs x 10

PVC Around the Worlds x 5 each way

PVC Overhead Squats x 10


Explanation/set-up of next section



3 Rounds

5 x Hang Snatch High Pulls

4 x 2-slide Power Snatch (VIDEO)

3 x Overhead Squats


Explanation/set-up of next section


3) Olympic Lifting:

EMOM 15:

Minutes 1-3: 2-slide power snatch x 2 @60-65%

Minutes 4-6: Catch Pause Power Snatch + Overhead Squat @70-75% (dead stop pause in the power catch position, stand, complete overhead squat)

*same plan as Monday with cleans, when they are paused in the catch position check their feet, they should be the right width to squat, this is working to fix the common error of getting the feet too wide instead of focusing on dropping your hips so you are prepared to continue into the squat snatch

Minutes 7-15: 1 x Squat Snatch @80% and build to HEAVY single

*carry over technical/positional work into solid squat snatches

*squat as deep as you can in the overhead squat and do power snatch for minutes 7-15 if mobility is very limited


Explanation/set-up of next section


4) MetCon:

EMOM 10:

5 x Burpees

7 x Toes to Bar

9 x Air Squats

*if you begin to not be able to complete the reps in the minute then treat it as an AMRAP for the remaining time

Beginner: 4 x Sprawls, 6 x Sit-ups, 8 x Air Squats (VIDEO)

Scaled: 4 x Burpees, 6 x Toes to Bar, 8 x Squats

Rx: as is



Earlier Event: March 15
Cycle 2 Week 2 Day 3
Later Event: March 17
Cycle 2 Week 2 Day 5