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Cycle 1 Week 4 Day 2



3 Sets:

30 second wall sit

30 second. plank


3 sets:

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch x 20 seconds each side

PVC Overhead Squats x 10


Transition and Explanation of Specific Warm-up



2 Rounds

5 x Infant Squats, pause at each position (VIDEO)

20 x Hollow Flutter Kicks (VIDEO)


10 x Back Squat @empty barbell

8 x Back Squat @40-50%

6 x Back Squat @50-60%

4 x Back Squat @60-65%

2 x Back Squat @65-70%


Explanation and Set-up for next section


3) Lower Body Strength:

“Five Alive”

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes (6 sets):

5 x Back Squats

*start at 60% of your back squat max and increase by 5% each set

*if you don’t know your max, start at a moderate weight and increase to as heavy as you can for 5 reps with full depth and good technique then you can estimate your max using the formula

Formula for calculating your estimated max:

Weight used x reps completed = A

A x 0.0333 = B

B + Weight used = Estimated max

Divide this estimated max by your body weight to see where you are relative to having the strength for these skills

Example if I did 200 for 5 reps on back squat

200 x 5 = 1,000

1,000 x 0.0333 = 33.3

33.3 + 200 = 233.3 (rounded to 235)


Set-up/transition for next section


4) MetCon:

12 Rounds For Time:

5 x Toes to Bar

3 x Double DB Push Press

1 x Squat Clean

*Pace: Aggressive: 10:30, Solid: 12:00, Limit: 13:30

Beginner: Lying Straight Leg Raises, 25/15, 135/95

Intermediate: Hanging Straight Leg Raises, 35/20, 155/105

Advanced: 50/35, 185/125

Sport: Handstand Push-ups, 205/145


Recover/Clean up/Scores on the board


5) COOL-DOWN: 3 Rounds

Hamstring Stretch x 20 seconds each side

Quad Stretch x 20 seconds each side

Groin Stretch x 20 seconds

Earlier Event: January 30
Cycle 1 Week 4 Day 1
Later Event: February 1
Cycle 1 Week 4 Day 3