Death by Alternating AMRAP EMOM #3

As long as you can complete the reps: Max 30min (10 rounds of each)

Minute 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,etc. Pull-ups x 10
Minute 2,5,8,11,14,17,20, etc. Push-ups x 20
Minute 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,etc. Air Squats x 30

Level 4:

With weighted vest

Chest to Bar

Hand Release Push-ups

DB Goblet Squats @35/20 (hold anywhere)

Level 3:

With weighted vest



Air Squats

Level 2:



Air Squats

Level 1:

Jumping Pull-ups x 10

Knee Push-ups x 12

Air Squats x 14

*you should select a level that you legitimately think you can make it at least 15 minutes, you can mix and match the levels, you can be level 3 on squats and push-ups and level 1 on pull-ups, or any combination like that

*pull-ups in the first minute, rest for the remainder of the minute, push-ups in the second minute, rest for the remainder of the minute, squats in the third minute, rest for the remainder of the minute

*one round means completing all the reps for all three movements within each of their minutes.

Death by: as long as you can make it
AMRAP: as many rounds as you can make it
Alt. EMOM: rotating through multiple movements and completing reps in the minute


GO BEYOND better, to your very best.