#1: “Travelocity”
Alt. EMOM 10: right hand first minute, left hand second minute, alternate for 10 min
10 x Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift (tap on side of DB)
8 x Single Arm Snatches
6 x Single Arm Overhead Squats
#2: “House of Pain”
EMOM 10:
8 x Single DB OH Lunge
7 x Burpee over KB
6 x Single Arm Hang DB Squat Cleans
#3: “Jerk Squats”
Alt. EMOM 10: right hand in the first minute, left hand in the second minute, alternate for 10 min
10 x Single Arm Clean & Jerks
10 x Single Arm Goblet Squats
#4: “Get back up”
Alt. EMOM 10:
2 x Turkish Get-ups
10 x Single Arm DB Rows (5 each) + 10 x Burpee to single DB Deadlift (suitcase or sumo deadlift)
*you can use 2 KB’s if you have them for the rows and the deadlift
#5: “Thick thighs save lives”
Alt. EMOM 10:
16 x DB Step-ups
16 x Alternating Single Arm Clusters