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Day 4 Week 3 of 8 Open Cycle

0:00-15:00 General Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Energy Systems

20:00-35:00 Energy Systems

35:00-45:00 Transition to WOD

45:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down


3 Rounds:

30sec Single KB/DB Overhead hold (15 sec each side)

10 Single KB/DB Lunges (5 each leg)

10 Sit-ups

Energy Systems:

Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5 sets):

60yd HEAVY Single DB/KB Carry

100yd Sprints

*10yd zones…6 total lengths for the carry, right into 10 total lengths for the sprint. Push hard, this should be about 1:30 of work and 1:30 of rest


8 Rounds For Time:

5 Thrusters

5 Toes to Bar

*Pace: 7:00, Solid: 8:30 , Limit: 10:00

*goal is stay unbroken all the way through, 45-65 seconds per round

*Thrusters: good front rack position, full depth, big leg drive to get momentum into the barbell, make sure the barbell makes contact with your shoulders before lowering into the next rep, breathe at the top

*Toes to Bar: good rhythm, pull down aggressively with straight arms

Beginner: 45/35, Lying Leg Raises or hanging knee raises (good rhythm, get knees above waist line)

Scaled: 75/55, Hanging Straight Leg Raises (work the rhythm, get feet as high as you can with straight legs)

Rx: 95/65

Earlier Event: January 17
Day 3 Week 3 of 8 Open Cycle
Later Event: January 19
Day 5 Week 3 of 8 Open Cycle