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Day 1 Week 3 of 6 Squat Clean/Push Press/Deadlift/Time Trial

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength

20:00-32:00 Strength

32:00-41:00 Transition to WOD

41:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Lat Stretch

Wall Scap slides

Banded curl to press

Specific Warm-up

2-3 Rounds

2-3 Pull-up Negatives

2-3 Dip Negatives


Alt EMOM 12

5 Pull-ups

5 Dips

*for those working towards ring muscle-ups they can do strict ring pull-ups and strict ring dips, weighted if possible

*for those working towards bar muscle-ups they can do strict pull-ups and bar dips either with the matador or a barbell in a rack (see VIDEO), weighted if possible

*for those working towards pull-ups and dips they can do band pull-ups and bench dips (10-12 reps on dips)


  • Working towards ring or bar muscle-ups or continuing to build pull-ups and strength for hspu

WOD Prep

2-3 Rounds

100m Run

10 Push-ups

1 Rope Climb



200m Run

20 Push-ups

2 Rope Climbs

PACE GOAL: 4-6 Rounds


  • Cardio Push/Pull combo


  • 1:15 or less on the run, adjust accordingly

  • Be smart on push-ups, when they go they go


  • 40 Russian Twists (20 each way)

  • 20 DB Plank Rows (10 each arm)

  • 10 Plate Drags (5 each way)

BEGINNER: knees or hands elevated push-ups, one of the modifications for rope climbs

SCALED: knees or hands elevated push-ups, one of the modifications for rope climbs

GO BEYOND Accessory Work

Single DB Curls 4x6 each arm

Banded Tricep Extensions x 50