0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Time Trial
20:00-32:00 Time Trial
32:00-40:00 Transition to WOD
40:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Samson Stretch
Hip Openers
Child’s Pose
Specific Warm-up
2 Rounds
10/8 Calorie Bike
5 Burpees
Time Trial
12-minute time block
2 Rounds For Time
20/14 Calorie Bike
20 Burpees
Last cycle we had time trial that tested fitness in the 7:00-9:00 range and mainly cardio/lungs
This time trial should be a higher intensity in a shorter time around 5:00-7:00 range that will not only get to your lunges but your muscular endurance as well
Should be enough time to split the class in half and let group one get through the second round bike and then start group two
If you need to do three groups so everyone can use the bike then I would shorten the WOD to
AMREP 5 x 2
20 cleans, 30 lunges, max sit-ups
2 minutes rest between
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
5 Double DB Cleans
6 Single DB Lunges
7 AbMat Sit-ups
AMREP 6 x 2
30 Double DB Cleans @35/20
40 Single DB Lunges
Max AbMat Sit-ups in remaining time
—3 minutes rest in between—
PACE GOAL: 4:00 or less for the cleans + lunges, 40+ sit-ups each round
Full body muscular endurance
Posterior chain and biceps on the cleans, lower body on the lunges, core on the sit-ups
No more than 3 sets on the cleans with short breaks
Recommend shouldering the DB for the lunges, no more than two sets, but try to just keep breathing and moving slow and steady to do them unbroken
Steady pace the sit-ups
Push hard, 3 minutes is a good amount of rest, shoot for consistency on round 2
EQUIPMENT CONSIDERATIONS (as mentioned in the time trial section)
If you needed to do three groups so everyone could use the bike then I would shorten the WOD to
AMREP 5 x 2
20 cleans, 30 lunges, max sit-ups
2 minutes rest between
BEGINNER: 15/10, no weight on lunges
SCALED: 25/15
GO BEYOND Accessory Work
Band Pull Aparts 4x10
Band Face Pulls 4x10