Beginner: 2 continuous miles, alternating paces every 800m @75% and 85%

Intermediate: 3 continuous miles, alternating paces every 800m @75% and 85%

Advanced: 4 continuous miles, alternating paces every 800m @75% and 85%

*using your timed mile and excel sheet chart, look at your 75 and 85% for the 800m, that is the pace you will alternate for the total miles. The first 800m is @75% of your 800m pace from your timed mile, the second 800m is a@85% of your 800m pace from your timed mile, keep alternating f


TUESDAY: 800m Repeats

Beginner: 3 x 800m @ +3 seconds on 50% rest

Intermediate: 5 x 800m @ +3 seconds on 50% rest

Advanced: 7 x 800m @ +3 seconds on 50% rest

(rest 50% of how long it takes you to run your 800m…if your 800m pace was 4 min, your pace for these would be 4:03 and you rest 2:01)



1 mile time trial




Happy Thanksgiving!