Day 1

1) 5 Sets:

30 sec Double Leg Glute Bridge Hold CLICK for video

30 sec rest

40 sec Plank

20 sec rest

2) 4 Sets:

Linear Lunge to Balance x 8 each way CLICK for video

3) 50-40-30-20-10 reps of:

Air Squats


Day 2

1) 5 Sets:

30 sec Double Leg Glute Bridge Hold CLICK for video

30 sec rest

20 sec each Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold CLICK for video

20 sec rest

20 sec each Side Plank

20 sec rest

2) 4 Sets:

Lateral Lunge to Balance x 8 each way CLICK for video

3) 5 Sets:

1 min wall sit

30 sec rest

1 min Lying Straight Leg Raises CLICK for video

30 sec rest


Day 3

1) 4 Sets:

30 sec Double Leg Glute Bridge CLICK for video

30 sec rest

20 sec each Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold CLICK for video

20 sec rest

20 sec each Single Leg Footprint CLICK for video

50 sec Plank

10 sec rest

2) 4 Sets:

Linear Lunge to Balance x 10 each way CLICK for video

3) 1 set:

200 x Hollow Flutter Kicks CLICK for video

100 x Air Squats


Day 4

1) 4 Sets:

30 sec Double Leg Glute Bridge CLICK for video

30 sec rest

20 sec each Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold CLICK for video

20 sec rest

20 sec each Single Leg Footprint CLICK for video

20 sec rest

20 sec each Single Leg Linear Swings CLICK for video

20 sec rest

20 sec each Side Plank

20 sec rest

2) 4 Sets:

Lateral Lunge to Balance x 10 each way CLICK for video

3) 5 Sets:

1 min wall sit Leg extensions CLICK for video

30 sec rest

1 min Scissors CLICK for video

30 sec rest

Day 5

1) 3 Sets:

30 sec Double Leg Glute Bridge CLICK for video

30 sec rest

20 sec each Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold CLICK for video

20 sec rest

20 sec each Single Leg Footprint CLICK for video

20 sec rest

20 sec each Single Leg Linear Swings CLICK for video

20 sec rest

20 sec each Single Leg Lateral Swings CLICK for video

20 sec rest

40 sec each Shoulder Taps CLICK for video

20 sec rest

2) 4 Sets:

Linear Lunge to Balance x 12 each way CLICK for video

3) 5 Sets:

150 x Russian Twists CLICK for video

150 x Air Squats


Day 6

1) 3 sets

Glute Bridge Series 30 sec of each movement (30 sec each side if single leg) CLICK for playlist

*add 30 sec each side of Side Plank Top Leg Raises each set CLICK for video

2) 4 Sets

Lateral Lunge to Balance x 12 each way CLICK for video

3) 5 sets

1 min wall sit (hold something weighted)

30 sec rest

1 min Mt. Climbers

30 sec rest

Day 7

1) 3 sets

Glute Bridge Series 30 sec of each movement (30 sec each side if single leg) CLICK for playlist

*add 40 sec of Shoulder Taps each set CLICK for video

2) 50-50-30-20-10 reps of:

Frog Jumps CLICK for video



Day 8

1) 3 sets

Glute Bridge Series 30 sec of each movement (30 sec each side if single leg) CLICK for playlist

*add 40 sec of supermans to each set

2) 1 set:

100 x Air Squats

50 x Sprawls CLICK for video

100 x Air Squats

50 x Sprawls

Day 9

1) 3 sets

Glute Bridge Series 30 sec of each movement (30 sec each side if single leg) CLICK for playlist

*add 1 min of Plank Walks (30 sec each way) to each set CLICK for video

2) 1 set

50 x Side Lunges (25 each way)

50 x Bottom half Burpees

50 x Side Lunges (25 each way)

25 x Bottom Half Burpees

Day 10

1) 3 sets

Glute Bridge Series 30 sec of each movement (30 sec each side if single leg) CLICK for playlist

*add 30 sec of T-Spine Rotations each way to each set CLICK for video

2) 1 set

200 x Air Squats

200 x Sit-ups

Day 11

1) 3 sets

Glute Bridge Series 30 sec of each movement (30 sec each side if single leg) CLICK for playlist

*add Alt. 1 min Push-up hold to each set CLICK for video

2) 5 sets:

20 x Bulgarian Squats (10 each leg) CLICK for video

15 x Burpees

Day 12

1) 3 sets

Glute Bridge Series 30 sec of each movement (30 sec each side if single leg) CLICK for playlist

*add 30 sec each side of Star Holds to each set CLICK for video

2) 1 set:

50 x Burpee Broad Jumps

*complete the burpee, but instead of jumping up, you jump out as far as you can