Kettlebell/Dumbbell #1: “Together We Rise”
For Time:
100 x Turkish Get-ups
Body Weight #1: “Hit the Deck”
For Time:
200 x Push-ups
*increase difficulty by wearing a weighted vest or hand release push-ups or diamond push-ups or feet elevated push-ups or a combination of these
*decrease the difficulty by going to your knees as needed
Kettlebell #2: “Death grip”
For Time:
100 x Hang KB Snatches
*KB just needs to break the plane of the knee down or back, switch hands whenever you want
Dumbbell #2: “Raise the roof”
For Time:
100 x Alt. DB Snatches
*both ends of the DB must touch the ground
Body Weight #2: “Pull your life together”
For Time:
100 x Pull-ups
*increase difficulty by wearing a weighted vest or strict pull-ups or C2B or a combination of these
*decrease the difficulty by using a band or going to ring rows as needed
Kettlebell #3: “Swingers”
For Time:
100 x KB swings
*go heavier and do russian swings or lighter and do american swings
Dumbbell #3: “Spring cleaning”
For Time:
100 x Single Arm Hang DB Clean & Jerks
*DB just needs to break the plane of the knee down or back, switch hands whenever you want
Body Weight #3: “Crazy legs”
For Time:
300 x Air Squats
*increase difficulty by wearing a weighted vest or doing jump squats or both
Kettlebell #4: “Pick the world up”
For Time:
100 x Burpee KB Deadlifts
*use single or double KB’s depending on what you have
Dumbbell #4: “Not today Satan”
For Time:
100 x Devil’s Press
*single or double DB depending on what you have
Body Weight #4: “BuckFurpees”
For Time:
100 x Burpees