*Modified Open workouts done partner style
Partner As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 minutes: (19.1)
20 x Wall Balls @Fitness: 14/10, Performance: 20/14, Sport: 30/20
20 x Calorie Row
*split reps as needed
8 Rounds for Time: (17.2)
10 x Double DB Lunges @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50
8 x Toes to Bar (Fitness: Knee Raises)
6 x Double DB Power Cleans @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50
*alternate movements with your partner…round one partner one will do the lunges and the cleans, partner two will do toes to bar…round two partner 2 will do the lunges and cleans, partner 1 does the toes to bar, continue this for a total of 8 rounds