Partner For Time:
150/120 x Calorie Row (135 cals for mixed pairs)
100 x Russian KB Swings @Fitness: 35/26, Performance: 53/35, Sport: 70/53
50 x Sprawl to KB Suitcase Deadlift @Fitness: 35/26, Performance: 53/35, Sport: 70/53
*EVERY 4 MINUTES starting at 0:00 complete 4 rounds of 3 x Pull-ups + 6 x Push-ups + 9 x Squats (alternate movements with your partner) @Fitness: 3 rounds, ring rows, knee push-ups
*3,2,1…Go! Complete the 4 rounds of pull-ups, push-ups and squats in an alternating movement fashion, partner 1 does pull-ups, partner 2 does push-ups, partner 1 does squats, partner 2 does pull-ups, partner 1 does push-ups, partner 2 does squats, that is 2 rounds, continue this format for the other 2 rounds (1 if scaled). Begin work on the calorie row and get as many as you can with the remaining time in the 4 minutes. At the 4, 8 ,12, 16, 20, 24, etc. complete the rounds in the format outlined above, then back to working on the row, swings, sprawl deadlifts.