Partner Workout
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 13 minutes:
500m/400m Row
40 x Russian KB Swings @Fitness: 35/26, Performance: 53/35, Sport: 70/53
30 x KB Goblet Squats @Fitness: 35/26, Performance: 53/35, Sport: 70/53
*partner 1 does the row, partner 2 does the swings and squats…once both partners are done that is 1 round and you switch…if one partner gets done before the other that is your rest :)
—4 minutes rest—
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 13 minutes:
40/30 x Calorie Assault Bike
30 x Alt. DB Snatch @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50
30 x Single DB Step-ups @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50 (find a box height that puts your leg at approx. 90 degrees when your foot is on the box)
*partner 1 does the assault bike, partner 2 does the DB snatches and step-ups…once both partners are done that is 1 round and you switch…if one partner gets done before the other that is your rest :)
*start pairs on different AMRAPs if needed because of class size