Partner For Time:
200 x Double Unders (Fitness: 400 x Singles)
2 rounds:
20 x Hang Power Cleans @Fitness: 75/55, Performance: 95/65, Sport: 115/75
30 x Partner MB Sit-ups @Fitness: 14/10, Performance: 20/14, Sport: 30/20 (use lightest MB of partners)
40 x Barbell Back Rack Lunges @Fitness: 75/55, Performance: 95/65, Sport: 115/75
800m Run
2 rounds:
20 x Hang Power Snatch @Fitness: 45/35, Performance: 75/55, Sport: 95/65
30 x MB Sprawl to Pass @Fitness: 14/10, Performance: 20/14, Sport: 30/20 (use lightest MB of partners)
40 x Barbell Front Rack Lunges @Fitness: 45/35, Performance: 75/55, Sport: 95/65
200 x Double Unders (Fitness: 400 x Singles)