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Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)


5 x Clean High Pulls

4 x Muscle Cleans

3 x Hang Squat Cleans

3) Olympic Lifting: Clean early hip rise #2

Every Minute on the Minute for 6 minutes:

Pause Above Knee Clean High Pull + Clean High Pull (50% and build, stand all the way up, go down to just above knee, solid 3 seconds pause, then complete high pull, then down to the ground and complete the high pull)

-2 minutes rest/review of next movements—

Every Minute on the Minute for 6 minutes:

Pause Below Knee Clean High Pull + Clean High Pull (60% and build, start from the ground, come up to just below knee, solid 3 seconds pause, then complete high pull, then down to the ground and complete the high pull)

*think of this whole section as a steady build and technical work to prepare for the cleans in the workout

4) MetCon:

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 11 minutes:

8 x Wall Balls @Fitness: 14/10, Performance: 20/14, Sport: 30/20

8 x Weighted AbMat Sit-ups @Fitness: 14/10, Performance: 20/14, Sport: 30/20

4 x Cleans @Fitness: 155/105, Performance: 165/115, Sport: 185/125, Sport+ 205/145

*unbroken on wall balls and sit-ups, steady singles on the cleans is the goal

*Pace: Aggressive: 1:20/round (8+ rounds), Solid: 1:40/round (6+ rounds), Limit: 2:00/round (5+ rounds)

Earlier Event: August 22
Later Event: August 24