Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
10 x Double DB Push Press
10 x Double DB Bent Over Rows
10/8 x Calorie Row
3) Skillz: Handstand Push-ups
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes (6 sets each):
Pause Kipping HSPU x 4 (Fitness: Barbell Push Press x 4, Sport: Deficit Pause Kipping HSPU x 4 @4/2”)
Inverted Rows x 8 (Sport: Feet Elevated)
*use the pause to focus on hand/head positioning, balance, and getting the kip and press in sync
4) MetCon:
Alternating Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (4 rounds of work):
1: 20/16 x Calorie Row (Fitness: 16/13, Sport: 25/20) + Max Alt. Hang DB Snatch @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50 (normally we go from the ground, but this is from the hang)
2: Rest
*empty it out on the rower (should be 1:10 or under) and snatch, you are getting 1:1 rest
*split class in half if needed because of class size, one starting on the row/snatch, one starting on rest
*Pace: Aggressive: 20+ snatch/round (80+ total snatches), Solid: 15-19 snatch/round (60-79 total snatches), Limit: 10-14 snatch/round (40-59 total snatches)