Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
20 x Flutter Kicks
20 seconds x Handstand Hold (Beginner/Intermediate: 20 x Shoulder Taps)
3 Skill Endurance:
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes (6 sets each):
15 seconds x Max Unbroken Toes to Bar (Beginner: Lying Leg Raises, Intermediate: Hanging Straight Leg Rails)
30 seconds x Max Distance Handstand Walk (Beginner: Plank Walks, Intermediate: Wall Walks)
4) MetCon:
4 Rounds
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 2 minutes:
3 x Touch N’ Go Cleans (must keep barbell in your hands for all 3)
20 x Double Unders
—1 minute rest-
*pick up where you left off each round
*Pace: Aggressive: 12 rounds, Solid: 10 rounds, Limit: 8 rounds
Beginner: 95/65, Line Hops
Intermediate: 135/95, Single Unders
Advanced: 155/105