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Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)


3 Rounds

Drop Split x 5 (VIDEO)

Strict Press x 5

Bent Over Rows x 5

3) Olympic Lifting:

15 minute time block:

5 minutes to build in warm-up:

5 x Split Jerks @50%

4 x Split Jerks @60%

3 x Split Jerks @65%

2 x Split Jerks @70%


10 minutes to work to heavy single or 1-rep max

*take the barbell from the rack

4) MetCon:

Every Minute on the Minute for 11 minutes:

3 x Hang Squat Cleans

6 x Lateral Bar Burpees

*goal is to find a level that makes it very challenging to get the work done in the minute, if you fall off pace then it will be an AMRAP for the remaining time

*earlier rounds (1-4) will be around 20-30 seconds, middle rounds (5-8) 35-45 seconds, late rounds (9-11) tough to complete

*Pace: Aggressive: 11 Rounds, Solid: 11 Rounds, Limit: 9 Rounds

Beginner: 75/55, Up Down to step-over

Intermediate: 95/65, Burpee to step-over

Advanced: 115/75

Sport: 135/95

Earlier Event: March 20
Later Event: March 22