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Day 6 Week 3 of 5 Phase 1 of 2 Lift-off Prep

*Repeat from 7/15/23


Teams of 3 For Time:


1 mile run

2,000m Row

*on person running, one person rowing, one person resting, switch whenever you want


120 Synchronized Russian KB Swings (2 people working, one resting, switch whenever you want)

120 Synchronized Single KB Lunges (2 people working, one resting, switch whenever you want)


100 Calorie Bike (one person working, two resting, switch whenever you want)

*Pace Goal: 28:00-33:00

Beginner: 1,000m Run, 1,500m Row, Not synchronized (one working, two resting), 26/18, 25/15, 80 cals

Intermediate: 35/26, 35/20

Advanced: 53/35, 50/35

Sport: 70/53, 70/50