Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
2) Specific Warm-up:
3 Rounds:
100m Jog
10 Back Squats
10 Push Jerks
*empty barbell
3) MetCon:
Hero WOD “Bruck”
4 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
24 Back Squats
24 Jerks
*Pace: Aggressive: 20:00, Solid: 22:00, Limit: 25:00
*no more than 2:30 on the run, adjust distance accordingly, 2-3 sets on squats and jerks
Beginner: 300m Run, 95/65, 75/55
Intermediate: 135/95, 115/75
Advanced/Sport: 185/125, 135/95
Accessory Work:
5x12 Barbell Windshield Wipers