Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
2) Specific Warm-up:
3 Rounds
10 Single DB RDLs
8 Alt. DB Snatch
100m Jog
3) MetCon:
Partner Every 4 minutes for 28 minutes (7 sets):
10 Deadlift
200m Shuttle Run (25m zones)
30 Plate Ground to Overhead
Max Partner Plate Sit-ups with time remaining
*split reps as needed on deadlift, shuttles and ground to overhead
*sit-up, pass/hand plate to partner
*score is total reps for all 7 rounds: deadlifts + shuttle (20 reps) + Plate G2OH + Plate Sit-ups
*Pace: Aggressive: 630 total reps, Solid: 560 total reps, Limit: 500 total reps
Beginner: 135/95, 25/10
Intermediate: 185/125, 25/10
Advanced: 225/155, 45/25
Sport: 275/185, 45/25