Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
2) Specific Warm-up:
3 Rounds
100m jog
5 Hang Power Snatch
10 Snatch Grip Bent Over Rows
10 Back Squats
4) MetCon:
Partner For Time:
10 Rounds
100m Run
5 Snatch
1 Rope Climb
*alternate full rounds with your partner
50 Wall Balls
50 Partner MB Sit-ups
40 Wall Balls
40 Partner MB Sit-ups
*split wall balls as needed, sit-up and toss MB to partner
Pace: Aggressive: 30:00, Solid: 33:00, Limit: 38:00
Beginner: 45/35, 10 Ring Rows, 10/8
Intermediate: 95/65, Half or 3/4 Rope Climbs, 14/10
Advanced: 115/75, 20/14
Sport: 135/95, 25/20