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Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)


20 x Shoulder Taps

20 x Flutter Kicks

20 x Line Hops

3) Skillz:

8 minute coaching block:

Fitness: Plank Walks x 30 seconds (VIDEO, focus on hands right under shoulders, back flat, core braced), 45 Degree Wall Walk x 30 seconds (VIDEO, work on steady movement and good posture as you get more vertical), 45 Degree Lateral Wall Walk x 30 seconds (VIDEO…but stomach to wall and only at 45 degrees up the wall, slow and steady movements both ways)

Performance/Sport: Monkey Tails x 6 (VIDEO, focus on balance and control), Toe Taps x 6 (VIDEO, focus on hands going straight down, not out, control), Handstand Walk x 30 seconds

8 minute training block:

Double DB Reverse Flys 4 sets of 8

Side Planks 4 sets of 15 seconds each side

*group people according to level (Fitness in one, Performance in the other, start Fitness on coaching block, switch after 8 minutes

*the coach should review the 2 movements in the training block for everyone, this allows them to focus on the group they have during the coaching block while the others complete the movements in the training block

*in the coaching block, the time frame gives you 2 minutes to discuss the movement then it can be treated like an Alternating EMOM 6 with the programmed movements, alternating through movement 1 then 2 then 3 then back to 1, coach helping/correcting each minute

4) MetCon:

As Many Reps as Possible in 3 minutes x 3 sets:

100m Run (should take no longer than 45 seconds)

15 x Box Jumps @Fitness: 20/16”, Performance: 24/20”, Sport: 30/24”

Max Single DB Hang Squat Cleans with remaining time in the 3 minutes @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50

*1 minute rest between sets

*Pace: Aggressive: 90 Squat Cleans, Solid: 75 Squat Cleans, Limit: 50 Squat Cleans

Earlier Event: October 18
Later Event: October 20