Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
5 x Hang Power Snatch
5 x Overhead Squats
3) Olympic Lifting:
Every Minute on the Minute for 8 minutes:
Hang Power Snatch + Pause Touch N’ Go Power Snatch + Overhead Squat @50-60% and build (complete the hang power snatch, come back to hang, dead stop, then touch n’ go off ground to complete power snatch, then complete overhead squat)
*goal is to teach control and maintaining technique when doing TNG reps
Every Minute on the Minute for 5 minutes:
Hang Power Snatch + TNG Squat Snatch @65+% and build
*carry over the controlled technique from the first section for solid doubles
4) MetCon:
For Time:
60 x Single DB Lunges
50 x MB Slams
40 x Single DB Lunges
30 x MB Slams
*Pace: Aggressive: 9:00, Solid: 10:30, Limit: 12:00
Beginner: 25/15, 15/10
Intermediate: 35/20, 25/15
Advanced: 50/35, 35/20