Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
Snatch Grip RDLs x 8
AbMat Sit-ups x 12
3) Lower Body Strength:
Every 90 seconds for 7 sets:
2 x 1/2 Snatch Grip Pause Deadlift @100+% of your snatch max (pull to knee, dead stop, back down, repeat for remaining reps, VIDEO)
*this should be HEAVY
*same set-up as last week, but different grip, focus on solid positions, bracing and keeping shoulders and hips rising at the same time
*carry over is keeping good technique when going heavy on snatches. I can put all that verbiage in there.
4) MetCon:
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 6 minutes:
10/8 x Calorie Bike
10 x Pull-ups
—3 minutes rest—
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 6 minutes:
10 x Double DB Shoulder to Overhead
15 x Air Squats
*first AMRAP: working on pull-ups under high heart rate from the bike
*second AMRAP: two basic movements, all unbroken, constant movement
*start people at different AMRAPs if needed because of class size
*score for each AMRAP
*Pace: Aggressive: 5 Rounds for both, Solid: 4 Rounds for both, Limit: 3 Rounds for both
Beginner: Ring Rows, 8/6 cals, 25/15
Intermediate: Jumping/banded pull-ups, 35/20
Advanced: 50/35
Sport: chest to bar, 70/50