Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
5 x Hang Clean High Pulls
5 x Hang Power Cleans
5 x Front Squats
3) Olympic Lifting:
Running Clock:
Every Minute on the Minute for 4 minutes:
Minute 1: 5 x Cleans @50% (singles, not touch n’ go)
MInute 2: 4 x Cleans @60% (singles, not touch n’ go)
MInute 3: 3 x Cleans @70% (singles, not touch n’ go)
Minute 4: 2 x Cleans @75% (singles, not touch n’ go)
11 minute time block:
Work to Clean 1-rep max
*recommend starting at 80-85% and build from there over 5-6 sets
4) MetCon:
4 Rounds For Time:
12 x Thrusters
14 x Toes to Bar
200m Run (should take no longer than 1:15)
*Pace: Aggressive: 9:00, Solid: 10:30, Limit: 12:00
Beginner: 45/35, Lying Straight Leg Raises, 100m run
Intermediate: 75/55, Hanging Straight Leg Raises
Advanced: 95/65
Sport: 115/75