Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
10 x Barbell Bent Over Rows
10 x Barbell Push Press
10 x Plank Up Downs (VIDEO)
3) Push/Pull Auxiliary: Clusters
Alternating Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (8 sets each):
10 x Ring Rows + 10 x Double DB Curls
8 x Bench Press + 16 x MB Up and Overs (8 each way, VIDEO)
*start people on different clusters if needed
4) MetCon:
For Time:
400m Run (should take no longer than 2:30)
2 Rounds:
30 x Alt. DB Snatch
30 x Toes to Bar
400m Run (should take no longer than 2:30)
*Pace: Aggressive: 9:30, Solid: 11:00, Limit: 12:30
Beginner: 200m Run, 25/15, Lying Straight Leg Raises, 200m Run
Intermediate: 35/20, Hanging Straight Leg Raises
Advanced: 50/35
Sport: 70/50