Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
5 x Hang Snatch High Pulls
4 x Hang Power Snatch
3 x Overhead Squats
3) Olympic Lifting: Snatch early hip rise
Every Minute on the Minute for 19 minutes:
Sets 1-4: Hang Pause Power Snatch x 2 (start from the top, go down to just above your knee, solid 3 second pause, then complete the power snatch, moderate weight, build as you can, technique most important)
Set 5: rest/review of next movement
Sets 6-9: Hang Power Snatch x 1 (build as you can, technique most important)
Set 10: rest/review of next movement
Sets 11-14: Pause Power Snatch x 2 (start from the bottom, go up to just above your knee, solid 3 second pause, then complete the power snatch, moderate weight, build as you can, technique most important)
Set 15: rest/review of next movement
Sets 16-19: Power Snatch x 1 (build as you can, technique most important)
*focus of the positional pause work is to focus on what a good position at the knee feels like and getting the bar off the ground with hips and shoulders rising at the same time to the knee before getting back to the launch position
4) MetCon:
As Many Reps as Possible in 8 minutes:
80 x Box Jumps @Fitness: 20/16” (find a height to jump on, stack rubber plates if needed, NO STEP-UPS), Performance: 24/20”, Sport: 100 reps @24/20”
Max MB Complex: Sprawl to MB Slam to MB Step-over@Fitness: 25/15, Performance: 35/20, Sport: 50/35 (hands go down on the sides of the ball, feet out and back in, pick up ball and slam, hold the ball wherever to step over to the other side of the box)
*this is a chipper style workout, big set on the box jumps, then odd object movement to breath and move consistently on
*Pace: Aggressive: 4 minutes or less to complete box jumps, Solid: 5 minutes to complete box jumps, Limit: 6 minutes to complete box jumps