Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
10/8 x Calorie Bike
15 x American KB Swings
3) MetCon:
6 Rounds:
1 minute x Max Calorie Assault Bike
As many Reps in 2 minutes of:
9 x Russian KB Swings @Fitness: 35/26, Performance: 53/35, Sport: 70/53, Sport+: 90/70
6 x Single DB Hang Clean & Jerk @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50, Sport+: 100/70
—2 minutes rest—
*pick up where you left off on the AMREP, one score: cals + reps (one round = 15 reps)
*encourage everyone to go heavier then they normally would on the KB and DB even if that is between levels, you have to eventually use a heavier KB/DB if you ever want to consistently use a heavier KB/DB :)
*you can stagger the start to ensure everyone uses the bike for that first minute, this is a FULL SEND style workout, you get rest, high heart rate into heavier implement movements
*Pace: Aggressive: 25/18+ cals/round and 12+ total rounds, Solid: 18/13+ cals/round and 10 total rounds, Limit: 13/10+ cals/round and 8+ total rounds