Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
20 seconds x Hang from Rig
10 x Single DB Curls (5 each arm)
10 x Push-ups
3) Skillz: Pull-up/Muscle-up
Alternating Every 5 minutes for 15 minutes (1 round at each station):
*treat all stations as EMOM 5
1: Skill work with coach: (Fitness) Kip Swing x 3-5 + 3 x Kipping Pull-up attempts (Performance) Swing Pulldowns x 3-5, (Sport) Ring Transitions x 3-5
2: Lying Straight Leg Raises x 15
3: Double DB Curls x 8
*this is a bit challenging for the coach, but I would like to try it if you think it is possible…put all fitness people in group, all performance in a group (can do pull-ups, working towards BMU), all sport in a group (can do BMU, working towards RMU). The other two movements are simple so should not require any coaching…Fitness group can start with coach, Performance on leg raises, Sport on Curls, rotate at 5 minute mark. This allows the coach to only focus on the one group he is actively coaching. I am constantly looking for ways to progress skills more effectively within the class setting.
4) MetCon:
50-40-30-20-10 of:
AbMat Sit-ups
Russian KB Swings @Fitness: 35/26, Performance: 53/35, Sport: 70/53
*Pace: Aggressive: 10:30 or less, Solid: 10:31-11:30, Limit 12:00