Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
5 x Hang Clean High Pulls
4 x Hang Power Cleans
3 x Front Squats
3) Barbell Cycling:
15 minute time block:
3 sets of 6 Hang Power Cleans @65+% and build
3 sets of 4 Hang Power Cleans @70% and build
3 sets of 2 Hang Power Cleans @75% and build
*unbroken reps, work to as heavy as you can with each rep range with solid technique
*Fitness recommendation: 15 sets of 2 Hang Power Cleans…still working on connecting reps but in small doses to keep technique from suffering, can treat it as an EMOM so they stay on task and with the class…if your max is below your body weight or you don’t know your max this is a good level
4) MetCon:
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10 minutes:
50m x Single DB Shoulder Carry @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50
14 x Single DB Hang Clean & Jerks @Fitness: 35/20, Performance: 50/35, Sport: 70/50 (do not have to alternate)
*Pace: Aggressive: 6+ rounds, Solid: 5 rounds, Limit: 4 rounds