Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
10/8 x Calorie Row or Bike
10 x Up Downs
3) Conditioning/Core:
3 Rounds:
2 minutes moderate pace row or bike
1 minute rest
Core: 30 seconds of work/30 seconds of rest x 3 sets
Round 1: Scissor Kicks, Round 2: Flutter Kicks, Round 3: Lying Straight Leg Raises
*start some on row/bike and some on core if needed because of class size, the last 30 seconds of the core rest is also your time to switch to bike/row
4) MetCon:
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 7 minutes:
25 x Double Unders
10 x Single Arm KB Hang Snatch
*Pace: Aggressive: 7 Rounds, Solid: 6 Rounds, Limit: 5 Rounds
Beginner: Line Hops, DB Snatch or 26/18 KB
Intermediate: Single Unders, 35/26
Advanced: 53/35
Sport: 70/53