Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
10/8 x Calorie Row or Bike
10 x Up Downs
3) Conditioning/Core:
2 Rounds:
3 minutes easy to moderate pace row or bike
1 minute rest
Core: 30 seconds of work/30 seconds of rest x 4 sets
Round 1: Scissor Kicks, Round 2: Flutter Kicks, Round 3: Lying Straight Leg Raises, Round 4: Plank
*start people on different stations if needed because of class size
4) MetCon:
Every Minute on the Minute for 9 minutes:
10 x Russian Twists (5 each way)
8 x Plate Ground to Overhead
Max Plate Drags until the 45 second mark (leaves 15 seconds rest, VIDEO)
*goal to finish the twists and ground to overhead in around 20-25 seconds and get around 10-15 plate drags each round
*steady movement, but shouldn’t cause any soreness for 23.3
Beginner: 15/10
Intermediate: 25/15
Advanced: 35/25
Sport: 45/35