Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
2 Rounds
6 x Single DB Lateral Raise (each arm)
6 x Single DB Curls (each arm)
30 seconds x Side Plank (15 seconds each side)
3) Flex Friday:
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 15 minutes (5 sets each):
6 x Single Arm DB Lateral Raises (each arm)
6 x Single Arm DB Curls (each arm)
3 x DB Sit-ups (VIDEO)
*start on different movements if needed because of class size
4) MetCon:
Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes:
10 x Single DB Lunges
Max Double Under until the 40 second mark (leaves 20 seconds rest)
*score is total reps: lunges + dubs
*Pace: Aggressive: 400, Solid: 340, Limit: 250
Beginner: 25/15, line or plate hops
Intermediate: 35/20, single unders
Advanced: 50/35
Sport: 70/53