Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
10 x Single DB Split Stance Strict Press (5 each arm, hold DB on same side as back leg)
10 x Single DB Overhead Lunges (5 each arm/leg)
10 x Single DB Bent Over Rows (5 each arm)
3) Olympic Lifting: Jerk
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 8 minutes (4 sets each):
Barbell Split Stance Strict Press x 3 (build in weight as you can)
Barbell Overhead Split Squat x 6 (3 each leg…try to use same weight as on strict press)
—1 minute rest/set-up for next movements—
Every Minute on the Minute for 5 minutes:
Barbell Bent Over Rows x 6 (we did 8 reps last week, increase weight)
4) MetCon:
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 11 minutes:
50 x Double Unders (Fitness: plate hops at 4-8”….one or two stacked 45# rubber plates)
25 x Air Squats
15/12 x Push-ups (Fitness: hands elevated or knees, Sport: Hand Release)