Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
Lateral Lunges x 10
Ring Rows x 10
3) Skill Strength: Pistols, Pull-ups, Rope Climbs
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes (6 sets each):
Double DB or KB Lateral Lunges x 6 (3 each leg, hold DBs/KBs in front rack or on shoulders)
Barbell Rows x 6
*reps dropped from last week, increase weight
*lateral lunges develop leg/groin/hip strength that will help pistols, this movement also challenges your mobility
*pulling strength will always benefit pull-ups and rope climbs
4) MetCon:
For Time:
800m Run (no longer than 4:30, scale accordingly)
60 x AbMat Sit-ups
400m Run (no longer than 2:15, scale accordingly)
40 x Toes to Bar
200m Run (no longer than 1:05, scale accordingly)
*solid pre-fatigue of heart rate and core before toes to bar, finish that 200m with a max effort run
*Pace: Aggressive: 10:00, Solid: 11:30, Limit: 13:00
Beginner: 600m/300m/150m, Lying Straight Leg Raises
Intermediate: Hanging Straight Leg Raises
Advanced/Sport: as is