Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
10 x Hang Knee Raises
20 x Double Unders (or single unders)
5 x Squat Cleans (round 1: 40%, round 2: 50%, round 3: 60%)
3) MetCon: 16.2
AMRAP in 20 minutes
Continue until 4 minutes:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
15 Squat Cleans
*If completed before 4 minutes, continue until 8 minutes:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
13 Squat Cleans
*If completed before 8 minutes, continue until 12 minutes:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
11 Squat Cleans
*If completed before 12 minutes, continue until 16 minutes:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
9 Squat Cleans
*If completed before 16 minutes, continue until 20 minutes:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
7 Squat Cleans
*the goal is picking a level that allows you to make it 16+ minutes
Beginner: lying straight leg raises, line hops, 45/35, 65/45, 75/55, 95/65, 115/75
Intermediate: Hanging straight leg raises, single unders (as many dubs as you can), 95/65, 135/95, 155/105, 165/115, 185/125
Advanced: 115/75, 155/105, 185/125, 205/145, 225/155
Sport (actual version): 135/95, 185/125, 225/155, 275/185, 315/225
4) Flex Friday:
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes (5 sets each):
Barbell Curls x 8
Barbell Skull Crushers x 8 (VIDEO)