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Open 23.1 is a repeat…14.4

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 14 minutes:

60 x Calorie Row

50 x Toes to Bar

40 x Wall Balls

30 x Cleans

20 x Ring Muscle-ups

Beginner: Lying Straight Leg Raises, 10/8, 95/65, Ring Rows + Bench Dips

Scaled: Hanging Knee Raises, 14/10, 115/75, Bar MU or Pull-ups + Ring Dips

Rx: 20/14, 135/95

General thoughts:

  • the good thing about this workout is everyone will work for 14 minutes and the scaling is pretty straight forward to still get a really good workout

Strategy for Rx:

  • ROW: Since we are rowing for calories you will not be able to see your 500m pace. 1100 cals/hour pace is approx. a 1:54 500m pace, as the cal/hour pace increases the 500m pace drops. We have done enough conditioning now to now what your 500m pace is for different time frames. Rowing at the 1100 cals/hour pace (1:54) would complete 60 cals in approx. 3:!6. For this time frame a good pace recommendation would be around 7-10 seconds slower than your fastest 500m. So if I can row 500m in 1:40, my pace should be around 1:47-1:50 which is approx. 1200 cals/hour. This is pretty in depth, but a basic recommendation is to row at about 90% effort, hard…but not all out. Control your breathing, stay calm…it’s the beginning of the workout. It is a trap to empty it out, you won’t recover after that with the remaining movements.

  • TOES TO BAR: 50 reps is a moderate to high amount of volume, A recommended strategy would be to do around 60-70% of whatever your max unbroken reps are. If you can do 20 unbroken that would be sets of 12-15. If you can do 12 unbroken that would be sets of 6-8. When you come off the bar, use the clock or countdown in your head with a slow 5 count, this helps you not rest too long and get back on the bar. If it all goes to hell :) don’t be afraid to go to quick doubles or singles.

  • WALL BALLS: Ideally two sets. I personally don’t like to do even sets with this strategy so I would choose 25/15 over 20/20. Sets of 10 is the minimum and use the same clock or countdown strategy mentioned above.

  • CLEANS: We have practiced touch n’ go reps and steady singles. If the weight is below 50% of your max then 10/10/10 or 12/10/8 is recommended, if it is above that percentage then 6 sets of 5 or 5 sets of 6. Once again, if it goes to hell that is why we practice steady singles. Whenever you need to go to hit you can.

  • MUSCLE-UPS: If you can do 10+ unbroken I would recommend 5 sets of 4 or 4 sets of 5. It is harder to go to singles on the rings because they move around so much then you have to waste energy stopping them. I always try to do at least 2 every time I get on the rings.

  • IF YOU DON’T HAVE MUSCLE-UPS: The focus becomes how quickly can you get the other work done since that is the tie break. I would keep the same recommendation on the row and toes to bar. Wall balls and cleans need to be BIG sets in an effort to empty it out and get the best tie break time you can.

Strategy for those scaling:

  • Row would be the same, knee raises or lying straight leg raises BIG sets, wall ball same recommendation, pull-ups/dips or ring rows/bench dips BIG sets

Earlier Event: February 16
Later Event: February 18